Low-foam, strong, powerful industrial alkaline detergent. Specially designed for harsh conditions, it radically dissolves any grease and oil contaminants, such as oils, grease, soot, various petroleum derivatives, dirt of animal origin.
AREAS OF APPLICATION: Industry, metallurgy, workshops, agriculture, paving stones, gas stations, service stations, subways, airports, railway stations, cleaning garbage cans, etc.
APPLICATION: Regular maintenance: Dilute FT1 from 1 to 3% in the machine depending on the degree of contamination, wash as usual. Heavy soiling: Dilute FT1 from 10-50%, spray onto the surface to be cleaned, leave for 3-5 minutes, then remove with your washing machine.
The information contained herein is given to the best of our knowledge and experience, but as the circumstances and conditions in which the product may be used are beyond our control, we accept no liability for any loss or damage that may arise from the use of the product. Professional products require appropriate skills, and we are always ready to advise you.